Ant Walk Cycles

It bothered me a little bit that the ant animations on Straight Line Curves made it look as though the ants are sliding along without moving their legs. It’s a small detail, but still, as I said, it bothered me.


Let’s make a simple walk cycle for an ant. We start with a still frame.


It seems that ants are insecure about their balance. They have six feet so that they can be guaranteed of having a tripod on the ground at all times. While 3 legs are on the ground and moving backwards, the other 3 are off the ground and moving forwards. Then they swap roles. Here are the two tripods they prefer.

Let’s call the one on the left a left tripod since the ant has two feet on the left side, and similarly let’s call the one on the right a right tripod. We can make a basic walk cycle in 4 frames as follows.

  1. Left tripod forwards
  2. Middle
  3. Right tripod forwards
  4. Middle


The resulting walk cycle looks like this.


When you put this walk cycle into the placemat spiral animation, it looks like this.

Much better!

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